The news regarding COVID-19 is forever changing. I will do my best to keep you updated with information pertaining to tax filings, payments and a few other interesting financial news.
As of today, March 20, 2020 the IRS and CA Franchise Tax Board have both changed their tax filing AND payments deadline to July 15, 2020.
Click here to see the IRS’ COVID19 webpage and here to see CA FTB’s COVID19 webpage.

What this means is you can delay filing your taxes and sending payments for your 2019 taxes until July 15th if you want.
YES you can file your taxes and even make payments if you want to. If you’re due a refund you will still receive it within 2-3 weeks of filing your tax return.
If you are paying taxes on prior years there has been no mention of those payment being on hold. I recommend you continue making payments unless we hear differently. You can always call the IRS or CA FTB and ask for a delay.
I have all the resources necessary to provide tax preparation services to you remotely and will not provide any further in-person services until the ban is lifted. Just let me know.
If you want to schedule a SKYPE or Phone Appointment you can schedule your appointment by CLICKING HERE.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
All the best