My sole proprietor clients think I’m hard on them. They wish I’d leave them alone about maintaining a separate bank account for their business. They don’t want to hear me go on and on about not co-mingling funds, depositing and reporting every dollar made in business, and not over-stating expenses. There are several reasons I […]
Tax Fraud – The IRS is Actively Going After Preparers AND Their Clients
mwalkerwade Posted in audits, Income Tax, IRS, message to clients, Tax fraud, Tax preparation, tax servicesTagged fraud litigation, ronald wilkerson, tax mama, telephone excise taxLeave a Comment on Tax Fraud – The IRS is Actively Going After Preparers AND Their Clients
I have a few clients who propose illegal ways to decrease their tax debt to me; some do so knowingly and others unknowingly. It’s my responsibility to keep us both on the right side of the tax law and out of trouble with the IRS. I do this to the best of my ability and […]