We feel your pain. There no real easy way out so give it your best. Don’t expect the loan servicers to have your best interest in mind. They’d love to keep you paying as long as possible and do so by making it difficult for borrowers to track balances and to make payments in amounts […]
Tax “deferred” Retirement Savings Plans…Smooth now, Stings Later
Tax “deferred” retirement savings plans (IRA, 401k…) feel smooth now, but they have a nasty bite in the end. All of my tax clients who saved for retirement using tax deferred plans are now paying taxes up the wazooooo! They’re paying taxes on the income they “deferred” PLUS any interest or dividends that money gained. […]
2023 Tax Year Greetings Video
I wanted to drop this greetings and info video to you as a little something to help us all prepare to conquer this tax season. Between this video, information on my tax services web page, and the email message sent on January 27, we should be ready to start preparing for tax season. Check out […]
2022 Tax Season Wrap-up!
It’s April 16, 2023, and I have just about wrapped-up this years tax returns for on-time tax filings! Thank you, everyone, who met the timelines to get all of your documents to me, questions answered, documents signed, and payments made. It’s been a GREAT tax season! THANK YOU! Some Things To Know Wishing you the […]
It’s Tax Time – 20 Days Left to Get’em In!
Where has the time gone?!?!? Today is March 18, 2023 and there are only 20 more days left to get all your tax documents to me for an on-time tax filing of your 2022 income. The key dates you should know are as follows: TAX APPOINTMENTS DEADLINES Please book your appointments online at your earliest […]

2021 Tax Year… More Chaos
Taxpayers often think every tax year looks, acts and will turn out the same. This is sooooo not true, and it never has been. Things this tax year (tax year 2021) will be unpredictable and chaotic even more-so now that we are dealing with “multiple tax codes” as a result of all the tax changes brought on […]

Getting Ready for Tax Season 2022!
This quick message is just an overview of a few dates to know for now.

Why I Recommend you OPT OUT of the Advanced Child Tax Credits If You Don’t Need the $$$ Right Now
I’ve received a few questions about the ADVANCED payments on Child Tax credits, and decided to share my thoughts with you all. Unless you really need the advanced child tax payments, I recommend you OPT OUT of receiving them. These payments are ADVANCES on child tax credits you’re expected to receive in 2021. The advancement […]
The Delay is Over – Let’s Get Back To Tax Business!
Hello Clients and Friends Thank you for your patience while I worked through the latest tax changes. Here’s an update for you: Both the IRS and CA Franchise Tax Board have extended the tax deadline to May 17th. If you OWE taxes, you now have until May 17th to pay them. I am now able […]